В СКИ РАНХиГС прокомментировали снижение уровня безработицы

Unemployment in Russia hit a low of 3.7% in 2022 and inflation was below expectations.

According to Vitaly Melnikov, associate professor of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship Law of the North Caucasian Institute — a branch of RANEPA, in the current conditions of the functioning of the Russian economy, the decline in unemployment to historically low levels looks encouraging and inspires confidence in the stabilization of the situation on the labor market.

Vitaly Melnikov reminded that a number of state programs supporting the labor market are being extended until 2023, which will also allow for a positive effect.

“The unemployment rate is a quantitative indicator that does not take into account the qualitative composition of the country’s labor resources. Here lie the main staffing problems: structural imbalance, inconsistency in the quality of the workforce, as well as strategic guidelines for the development of the Russian Federation, ”says Vitaly Melnikov, associate professor of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship Law of SCI RANEPA.

In his opinion, taking into account the overriding need to adapt the intellectual potential to the challenges that must be faced today in order to achieve the intellectual sovereignty mentioned by the President of the Russian Federation, it is extremely important not to get complacent in the face of positive changes in the unemployment rate, but to solve structural and qualitative problems prevailing on the domestic labor market.

“The work should take on a comprehensive, systemic character as part of the formation of the «school-university-enterprise» intellectual capital, from career guidance for school children to managing the development of already employed employees. There is no need to delay the creation, first of all, of concept papers that establish the strategy of the state personnel policy, which organically covers the whole variety of regional personnel problems. And secondly, creating an effective mechanism for implementing this strategy. Therefore, when talking about strengthening and building the geopolitical, economic, technological and financial independence of our state, it is important to put staff sovereignty, staff potential and human capital at the center of these problems. Because they will act as the link and the basic principle of Russia’s survival, strengthening and further sustainable growth and progressive development”, Vitaly Melnikov, associate professor at the Faculty of Management and Enterprise Law of SCI RANEPA.


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