РОФ им. А.-Х. Кадырова построил 80 домов для нуждающихся семей ЧР

Hundreds of such houses were built in the last four months, and thousands in recent years. It is work performed by the Regional Public Fund for them. Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov.

In his Telegram channel, Ramzan Kadyrov said that more than 80 families still do not have their own apartment and found only a temporary solution to this problem. Meanwhile, in almost every case, these people include the sick, the disabled, the infirm, and in general we are talking about the poor, families in a difficult situation.

«As the president of the Regional Public Foundation The hero of Russia, Akhmat-Khadijah Kadyrov, Ajmani Niesiewna, having learned about the problem of families, decided to build houses for them. The geography of the new housing stock covers the entire republic. There were entire villages of new buildings erected specifically as a gift for needy families. There are over 80 houses in total, and this is only 30 days, wrote the leader of the Chechen Republic.

Abdul-Kerim Edilov, the head of the Secretariat of the Chief of the Chechen Republic, Abdul-Kerim Edilov, supervised the construction process, «and he coped with the tasks perfectly.»

“I am especially proud that my beloved MOM always extends a helping hand to all those who really need it, to those who are left alone with life problems of a different nature.

Dear MAMA has dedicated her life to charity. May Almighty Allah reward her with infinite grace, ”concluded Ramzan Kadyrov.


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