Роспотребнадзор примет дополнительные меры для профилактики холеры в России

The resolution was signed by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

“In our country, cases of cholera have not been registered for many years. Taking preventive measures is important to prevent the spread of this disease to Russia, the press service of the ministry said.

It is recommended that regions assess hospital and laboratory readiness by June 1, and territorial administrations should prepare health workers and strengthen control over laboratory testing of wastewater.

There will also be training sessions to develop an algorithm in the event of an outbreak.

Cholera is a dangerous infectious disease that only affects humans. Poor hygiene and the consumption of raw water are the two main reasons why an infection spreads.

In order not to get infected with cholera, experts recommend taking preventive measures — wash your hands thoroughly, especially before cooking and eating, boil drinking water, use sanitary facilities.


Аслан Музаев

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