Рамзан Кадыров дал краткое интервью федеральным и региональным СМИ

The chief of the Chechen Republic was answering the most up-to-date questions. The head of the region told about the conversation on his telegram channel.

As part of the interview, journalists raised the question of the fate of the fighters of the nationalist Azov battalion and the Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered to the Russian troops.

“On this subject, my opinion remains unchanged: if the matter with ordinary military personnel can be discussed with the Ukrainian side for the exchange of prisoners of war, the situation is different with Azov’s fighters. They must bear well-deserved punishment for all atrocities committed against the civilian population. This is my unambiguous opinion — said Kadyrov.

He added that Ukraine needs a strong, wise and far-sighted leader.

«Zelenskiy and his gang plunged the country into an abyss of chaos. While some sit in warm chairs, pass anti-Russian laws and say how bad we are, others die on the battlefield. the victory of Independence — said the head of the Chechen Republic.

The head of the region was also asked about his relationship with Dmitry Peskov.

«Dmitry Sergeyevich and I became the subjects of shaky theories after minor misunderstandings. Some journalists, for the sake of self-promotion, felt it their duty to present unsubstantiated theories, making us almost sworn enemies. Taking this opportunity, I denied all rumors and speculations on the subject. maybe I do not agree with his statements on some issues, but this does not affect our relations in any way. We are friends with families, we correspond, we communicate, ‘said the head of the Chechen Republic.

Journalists did not ignore the volunteers’ topics. Hundreds of young people from different regions come to the Chechen Republic every day to become part of the Russian liberation army.

“Such an influx of volunteers proves that our region has become a kind of symbol of patriotism. On my own behalf, I would like to thank our journalists for raising current topics in a reliable and timely manner, «summed up Kadyrov.


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