Делегация ЧР приняла участие в открытии IV Международной выставке текстильной и модной индустрии

A Chechen delegation took part in the opening of the 4th International Exhibition of the Textile Industry and Fashion «Uz TextileExpo Spring 2022» in Tashkent. This platform allows you to show the achievements and innovations of the textile industry.

“We have already negotiated with leading representatives of the textile industry in Uzbekistan. We are talking about the possible production of textile products in the Chechen Republic together with Uzbek companies. Now, in the context of sanctions, this is especially true. The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, set us serious tasks in the field of import substitution. It is planned to place special emphasis on the development of light industry in the region, said Adam Chakimow, the Minister of Industry and Energy of the Chechen Republic.


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