В ЧГУ им. А.-Х. Кадырова реализуют практико-психологический проект

At the center of collective student creativity, Stud. ChSU space eats. AA Kadyrov, a meeting was held between the head and mentor of the Practical Psychological Project «Disclosure of Students» with the project team.

During the meeting, a plan for the implementation of project activities in the field of education «psychological and pedagogical education» was developed.
The practical and psychological project «Disclosure of students» is a subjectively organized process aimed at harmonizing the educational environment and improving the skills of future university psychologists. The project is supported by the Federal Youth Agency and includes, as part of the curriculum, psychological education on the main aspects of mental phenomena and a series of psychological activities that help to increase the individual adaptation potential of at least 200 university students, as well as psychological support classes in a specially organized zone » psychological relief”, which participants will obtain after prior registration through a bot telegram, which will be created for the implementation of the practical part of the project.
The uniqueness of this project is that there are no similar activities in the universities of the republic. The project has a chance to expand across all faculties and increase the university’s thoughtfulness and attractiveness for applicants, and universities in other regions of the North Caucasian Federal District will be able to adopt this practice.
Thanks to this, participants will master the methods of self-realization and self-development to fully use their natural potential already during the education process at the university. The result of participation in this course will be the psychological preparation of students and their mastery of the methods of self-regulation of the mental state, the possibility of applying theoretical knowledge in practice by psychology students.


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